Maxus T90 EV: UK’s First All Electric Pickup Truck

Are you a tradesperson who requires a pickup truck? Think landscape gardener who needs to carry their tools. Have you thought about going fully electric but never realised the breadth of different body styles for electric commercial vehicles? Well, if you are still looking, The Maxus T90 EV may be the solution!

Today, we are looking at the T90 EV in two videos, both the initial impressions as well as the all-important range test and available capacity on the battery.

The Maxus T90 EV Pickup Truck emerges as a significant and notable player, combining the utility and versatility of a pickup truck with the eco-friendly benefits of electric propulsion. This is the first all-electric pickup truck in the UK, and therefore if you require something to haul equipment around in the bed, then this would be great!

Payload is consistent with a Ford Ranger Double Cab of 1000 kg, which means it satisfies the government minimum requirements of a commercial vehicle. Although the braked towing capacity is significantly lower, the question you need to ask is whether you need the additional capacity in the first place. Anyone transporting 2.5-ton cars should not buy the T90 EV (and after looking at the car transporter weight itself, you may want to check you’re not exceeding the weight limit of your pickup before setting off!)

1 Euro/UK Pallet capacity. Standard nowadays.

As mentioned in the full video, it’s definitely advisable to give the T90 an opportunity inside your business. Most dealers will be happy to offer you an extended test drive to place it inside your business and see if it’s right for you. A few aspects will especially occur:

  1. You’ll likely see that you don’t need the range/mileage you originally thought you needed – ~200 miles will be plenty
  2. You’ll find that charging is done overnight if you have a workplace or home charger
  3. Out-and-about chargers are becoming more abundant by the day (if you need to use them – see point 1)
  4. The near-silent, seamless drive makes driving as a job much less of a chore
Very easy driving, as most electric powertrains show!

Check out the videos below to get further insight:

FYI: Maxus York are currently offering an outstanding deal on the T90 and I would highly recommend you contact them directly for the best deal (Link Below):

Maxus York

P.S. Please mention you saw this recommended on KC Talks EV!

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